Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting settled in

I had a long day of driving, almost 7 hours in a van heading to another factory visit, this time in Xuan Cheng. It was a very impressive facility and we saw some our product on the sewing line, in the cutting room and in packaging. Overall, it was a great day in the field. Our driver was a speed demon to say the least, i think that I saw only 1 other car pass us the entire drive, otherwise we were doing all the passing, whether in one of the driving lanes or on the shoulder!! Glad that I had a functioning seat belt :) Oh, and I ate my first thousand-year-old egg at lunch and had about the same reaction that Donald described to me when he ate one...odd consistency and not much flavor.

I wanted to spend a  little time getting unpacked so i didn't have anything planned for this evening.

Finally, these suitcases are emptying out 

Remember back to my third day post, I made a mystery food purchase inspired by Trisha...well, i decided to eat it for dinner tonight. They are frozen rice things with meat in the middle and wrapped in leaves so i assumed that steaming was the way to go.

I had no idea how long to steam them so i did it for 35 mins

This is what they look like inside, the rice was super sticky.

It tasted OK for about 80% of the first one then i decided I really didn't like it.
 Keep in mind, that I have no idea if i even came close to cooking them correctly.

Yesterday, i made a purchase on E Nanjing Rd, again not totally sure what it was but got the idea that it was a sweet treat so i busted it out for dessert. Turns out that it was a flour base flacky outer shell with my favorite red bean paste inside and a special green jelly treat in the middle. Totally delicious!

I'll be eating a few more that of these during my trip :)

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