Monday, September 19, 2011

I went to on my first factory visit

How have i still managed to this day to not feel any effects of jet-lag?! I need to sit down and make a detailed list of what exactly I did when I got on the plane in PDX and got off in Shanghai b/c it worked. Unless, i will be hit hard 5 days later I am feeling great. I'm not going to hold my breath, though.

This morning was my first morning going to work on my own. I was feeling pretty confident after the weekend of all sorts of subway trips. Apparently, I wasn't paying good attention b/c I accidentally got off one stop early. Here's the thing to remember, the entire city still looks foreign to me even if i have seen that area 4 or 5 times i exit the subway station and look around thinking to myself "something isn't right". Now, each subway stop has multiple street exits so i thought i must have exited the station in a different location but soon after consulting the subway map that I never leave my apartment w/o (thank you, Iris) I figured out that I needed to get back on and go one more stop. I made it on time to work and soon left for my first factory visit.

All i'll say is, appreciate any down styles that you own b/c that natural fiber is nasty to work with. I doubt you will be able to really see in this photo but down was EVERYWHERE, I felt like I was breathing it in so I had to cover my nose and mouth while walking through this area. 

To protect the worker from inhaling down, he is masked and hand filling a jacket. 
This is time consuming so LOVE you down garments!

This is only a third of the total factory space. 
The factory even has it's own hotel and restaurant.

I was treated to a traditional Chinese meal with our representatives from the factory.
Shawn this list is for you: lunch included cured duck, jelly fish, mushroom salad,
Wheat ball dumplings served in broth, wilted greens, sauteed eggplant,
 fried rice, Fried bread served with condensed milk, topped of with fresh fruit.

On the way back to the office (1 1/2 hr drive south back into Shanghai) i realized just how many brand new cars were on the road and i think that every American, Euro, Japanese, Chinese and Korean car manufacturer was represented somewhere along my ride.

I topped today off with a good 5 mile run on the nearby track. I wasn't sure if i could tolerate that many loops around a track but I just put on my headphones and listened to several podcast and before I new it i was done. There was some soccer games going on in the center field and tons of ppl walking so i didn't lack in things to look at.



Shawn Basalyga said...

All of that list sounded good. But what did the jellyfish taste like? It seems to me that it wouldn't taste like anything and would just have a weird texture...

Also the guy with the mask to protect from the down looks like a sewing ninja.

Iris Zhang said...

I'm glad ur taking your adventure through Shanghai's subway system :) And there's lots mystery underground malls waiting for your explore.

The down workers working conditions are not good and risky of getting respiratory disease and this is one aspect of garment industry and nowadays bosses focus more on the healthy and happiness of the workers to gain their loyalty.

Krista said...

I think the jelly fish was marinated or pickled. It was very tasty, probably one of the dishes I liked the best. That's funny that you call the down-guy at sewing ninja b/c that was the same thought that I had when I first saw him!

Can't wait to find these mysterious subway malls!