Sunday, October 16, 2011

I did it again,but even better this time

I crawled out of bed early again this morning so I could get a good run in before everyone in Shangahi woke up. I was on the road by 6:45am and had a plan to run to the Bund and back hoping to get in about 8 miles. Well, somewhere along the way I got turned around w/o knowing and ran a lot farther in the wrong direction. I realized when I looked at a street sign and it said that I was heading south...but, no, I was supposed to be heading north, I thought I was heading north. This city is not set up a grid system and easy to get on a street that heads north but then all of a sudden a few blocks later you are heading east on the same street. So I guess that I'm not that shocked that it happened. It did make me have to change my plans b/c when I finally got to a place that was familiar I already had 3.5 miles under my belt. I just ended up running to the Bund anyhow but made that my ending point b/c I had over 10.5 miles in by the time I got there. Thank goodness I brought my subway pass!!

Here's a hint of the area that I ran in today. See, it could get confusing :)

View Larger Map to get a massage!

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