Monday, September 26, 2011

Quiet Monday

As most of you know, Donald is visiting me in Shanghai starting this Friday. We have 3 1/2 days together before he needs to head back to Vietnam for work. Since Donald and I have never traveled together in China we decided to do a day excursion to a city East of Shanghai, called Suzhou (if you want to pronounce it correctly, "Sue Jo"). We will be taking the train there next Monday during the big Chinese National Holiday. B/c we are traveling during the holiday it is best to buy the train tickets in advance to guarantee that you can get on the train so after work my awesome co-worker, Oliver, walked with me to the train station, stood in line to then find out that you can only buy train tickets 6 days in advance, so they were only selling tickets up till Sunday :( Not a total wasted trip as on the way to the Metro we had to take a FIRST bus ride in Shanghai. I took pics for all my bus-riding friends to compare with PDX buses. Really about the same but not as many seats, more space for standing. Check it out!

For dinner I ate a fruit that is very uncommon in the US, Dragon Fruit. It's the size of a softball, oblong like a football and the taste/texture is a lot like a Kiwi Fruit with less acidity.

 I look forward to eating Dragon Fruit whenever I come to China.

P.S. I got my first postcard from Trisha today. It has the best cheesy Oregon picture on it possible...LOVE IT! Just in case anyone else feels like writing to me I will never turn down snail mail (or homemade jam, wink wink Mom and Trisha!).

Krista McLellan
c/o Somerset Xu Hui
No. 888 Shaanxi Nan Rd.
Xu Hui District, Shanghai
200031 CHINA


Shawn Basalyga said...

The dragon fruit looks like something out of a cartoon. It actually kind of looks like what a dragon egg would be, maybe. Weird. Hope you and Donald have a good adventure!

Steven Combs said...

Dragon Fruit is my favorite!

I first had it in Hawaii and got hooked. You can sometimes find them in Asian markets (although in California it is really expensive and never as sweet as they were in Hawaii). Enjoy some for me!