Thursday, October 27, 2011

I do remember how to be social

   It seems that after 6 weeks of being on my own and not really having anyone to hang out with outside of work (beside the days that Donald was here) I still remember how to meet people. Last month a colleague of mine in Portland emailed me about a Happy Hour I should go to here in Shanghai. The HH was for an organization called Oriented which is a global networking community for Asia business minded folks.

   Unfortunately, it fell on the same day as the email and you must give notice that you will be attending. So even though it was just down the road from my apartment I would have to wait an entire month to join up with this group. A few days after the email I joined as a member, it seemed like a good way to meet people so why not, membership was free. The organized Happy Hours with Oriented happen on the last Thursday of the month all around the world (even a chapter in Portland!). Their website talks about demographics of the members which seems to be ages 25-35 and single so I wasn't sure if this was going to turn out more like a speed dating session (which I obviously don't need). Still seemed it was worth giving a shot to so I did this evening. After work I took a taxi about 15mins into the west part of town, not an area that I hear a lot of people talking about. This HH was being held at the Grand Mercure Hotel bar.

   It was easy to locate the event once inside the hotel, they had a big banner up and blocked off a section of bar just for us. Upon arrival there were only about 8 people there and they all seem to be in separate conversations with each other so I needed to figure out a good way to mingle in. Firstly, a glass of red wine, once this was ordered I went over to a group of 3 girls and asked if I could sit with them. It seems that 2 of them were colleagues and the other one they had just met so I fit right in. The event never got crowded, maybe 35 people. I met mostly people my age or younger but there were a few others more mature then myself. They had seats for everyone so it seemed that you just got comfortable and didn't really continue to network. At the end I spoke with the director and she saw the seating a  flaw also. Apparently most of there events are held at places that you really can't sit, more bar atmosphere and standing tables. Also in more convenient locations in town (this locale effected the attendance).

Jennifer from Seattle to the left of me and Michelle from Taiwan to the right.
    It was interesting to hear everyone's story about how they ended up in Shanghai. Most started as students and have now moved into jobs, others were Chinese from other parts of the country. To show that a city of 23 million people can still be a small world; I was talking about what I do and the girl across from me chimed in that she works for an apparel company also, the largest down company (as in down filled jackets) in China. Well, before she told me the company I stated that she must work for Bosideng, sure enough that was the company. Our companies do business together and I am in contact with them weekly. Small world!

The group
   All said, I am very happy that I went. I think I may have even made some friends and will be heading out this weekend dancing with a few for Halloween.

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