Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I found Happy Lemon!

   Today was a quiet day at the office, most of my team was out. Oliver and I went to a famous noodle place for lunch and had really good noodles in beef broth with a side of Sichuan style chicken. Normally, I have pics but I was so into my food that I sort of forgot. Then I got distracted once back from lunch b/c I got D3 on the phone. I had my first rough night last night, any and all lonely feelings had built up and then burst. My day was already getting better though b/c I got up early for a run (on the streets, not the track), got an email from my father in-law then got my Donald on the phone. I'm feeling much better now :)

   I'm leaving for Qingdao tomorrow morning. Will tour 2 factories upon my arrival, then on Thursday I will tour a third factory. Since I am spending a few day in Qingdao on personal time I thought it would be good to prepare ahead of time and buy a map of the city that I'm about to travel to so I went on a hunt for the English book store in my neighborhood. This is the first day that I left my apartment in the morning without my Lonely Planet Shanghai book and a subway map since arriving here. But I thought that I would be coming straight home after work so there seemed no need for it. So w/o a map I had to navigate to the book store with just an address and an idea of the neighborhood layout. Well, guess what...

I found it all on my own :)
 On my walk home I came across something else from Iris's list of things for me to try, it's a drink place called Happy Lemon. They pride themselves in high quality drinks, mostly tea based.

It was getting late, I was cold and really needed to find a rest room but I was a trooper and
picked a drink out to walk home with. The flavor was Lemon Yogurt with Aloe. It was
tasty, maybe a little too sweet for me. Next on my list to try is Cocoa with Rock Salt Cheese
(I don't even have a clue what rock salt cheese is!)

Then I came across this...

Don't concentrate on the license plate but rather on all the BLING on this car.
It's even around the tail lights! Laurie (my mother in law), it a car made just for you!
This also reminds me of another awesome car that I took a picture of but lost with
the camera before I downloaded them to my computer. It was a Hello Kitty car for my
friend Heather, the ultimate Hello Kitty fan! So bummed that I don't have that picture.

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