Thursday, October 13, 2011

Raining cats and dogs

Left work today and by the time I got home my pants were soaked almost the entire way up my legs. The amount of water falling from the sky is incredible and even more incredible is that there appears to be no where for the water to go.
Wish I had my camera b/c I couldn't figure the video
function out on the iphone. This staircase is a ped
overpass and water was coming down like a waterfall!
 None of these pictures are all that good but maybe you can get a feel for how much water was laying around. It's like there is SO much concrete and nowhere for the water to seep into the ground. Huge puddles formed everywhere.

Front of the picture shows a lake across the sidewalk

A bus spraying a mass of water on everything
 to the side which included the sidewalk.
The nice thing about the rain, which is the same in Portland, is that I get to run w/o many people around. The track was dead tonight, for awhile I was the only runner. A peaceful 3 miles! Then topped my good evening off with the season premiere of Psych. I know I'm a fool for falling for this USA show but I really do love it. I own all previous seasons that are available and can watch them over and over w/o no boredom.
Thank you, Donald, for the reminder
that I can find this on Hulu!!

The other thing that I live for is Sweet Paul Magazine. It's online and quarterly so I love when a issues comes out. I explore all the links and read every page. Again, foolish me but what's wrong with a little craft, cooking and design all rolled into a nice little package. All my lady friends should give this a read, i promise it's great!

Sweet Paul Magazine

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