Sunday, November 20, 2011

Coffee and the Shanghai Library

   Today was pretty quiet after my run this morning. I took my bike out for a little ride and met my friend, Joan, for some afternoon tea (which turned out to be coffee.). The coffee shop that I went to was in the same neighborhood as the Shanghai Library so I stopped over for a little peak. It's HUGE, the largest public library in China! And it was open on a Sunday, unheard of in the States!

I plan on going back to buy a reading card, I hear they have 
lots of foreign magazines and newpapers. Worth the 25rmb yearly fee.

Here's some art that was outside the library

   Sorry about the super dark pictures. This was the cafe that I met Joan at, run by a Japanese husband-wife team that roasts their own beans. She sold the meet-up as afternoon tea but turns out this place only has coffee. Some of you may know that I don't EVER drink coffee, not that I don't like it but more because of the effects that caffeine have on me. Since I had just arrived from very cold bike ride over I decided to order a cup anyways. If I'm tired and crabby tomorrow we'll know why!

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